
Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Fantastic Russian food

I love Russian food because it revolves around dumplings, blinis, soups and stroganoff.
It is similar to Eastern European Polish and Ukrainian food where they also have dumplings.
Spotted Zima one night after having tiramisu nearby so decided to try this place as their menu is a bit more sophisticated with the same suspects but with a finer and modern touch being in Soho.
To be honest, I was attracted by the black dumplings.
When we entered the restaurant, the decor and everything was elegant and how you would expect it to be.
At the far back of the room, there was a shelf and it was encouraging to see another place that does pickled strawberries and other pickles.
It was really hard deciding what to eat because everything was nice but we had Fish pelmeni, ukha fish soup and chicken and beef cutlet with buckwheat.
For dessert, the only thing I would have chosen would be the Cherry Vareniki which are cherry dumplings, the rest I have tried elsewhere.
To start off, the fish solyanka soup was a light consomme yet impressive because of the strong fish flavours and dill, there were big chunks of salmon in it.
Next, the star of the show was the black fish pelmeni which did not disappoint topped with my favourite salmon roe in a lobster and salmon roe sauce.
These were gone in flash because they were so delicious and the remaining sauce just had to soaked up with bread.
Moving on to the mains, the pork and beef cutlet was more like a steak hache.
The accompanying buckwheat with oyster mushrooms took me by surprise, I was expecting the texture of the buckwheat to be coarse and prickly but it was soft like rice which I finished off happily.
For drinks, I had the sea buckthorn tea which tasted like hot orange juice it was good that it was not sweetened.
Overall, I was really impressed with the food especially the soup and dumplings.

Zima Russian Restaurant:
45 Frith St, London W1D 4SB

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