
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Greasy spoons food at its finest: Norman's Cafe

Finally paid Norman's a visit which is located quite near Tufnell Park station.
Would have visited earlier if I knew it was that accessible.
The problem is, the items on the menu are a hit and miss because you can't call them to ask what's on that day or on instagram because no one replies.
It turns out all the fancy items like frazzles, pink custard, scotch eggs, Chips & Curry sauce, Cheese on toast, Scouse, Jam Roly-Poly, Dippy egg & Marmite, Kippers on toast, English Trifle, artic roll, Manchester pudding, Poached plums with cream etc are elusive.
On weekdays, the menu is more basic probably due to footfall but even on a late weekday afternoon, the place was full.
At Norman's kitchen, it is basically greasy spoon caff food with quality ingredients.
Although it is a bit pricier than the regular greasy spoons, the food is original and taken to the next level.
I opted for the bubble and squeak, egg and cheese muffin with brown sauce and rice pudding with jam.
Overall, I was impressed as the delicate bubble and squeak did not have any unpleasant oil taste from the grill, same goes for the egg which was topped with quality Maldon salt.
The rice pudding was comforting and I think there were pieces of date in it if my taste buds serve me correct.
Would love to return for the fancier items as well.

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