
Monday, November 13, 2023

Egg custard tart from Arome Bakery

Named just like this other Arome bakery in Asia, they serve bakery inspired by Asian flavours which seems to be quite popular.
Somehow, it was hard to make a visit because the flavours are different to my palette and the pastries look too tanned for my liking.
You will see pastries with frankfurter style sausages, a thing in Asia.
Anyway, there was only one item that captivated me and that was the egg custard tart.
Again, its very different to the English custard tart because of the pastry but similar to the Portuguese tart which explains why Asians love it too.
The Arome custard tart was basically the same as the ones in Asia.
The filling is very eggy and the pastry is oily and flaky just like the ones in HK.
Not quite to my liking however, some Chinese ones in London seem to taste better and probably kinder to the stomach as they don't contain lard which causes indigestion and nasty stinking burps for some.

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