
Monday, December 04, 2023

When udon meets Laksa at Kineya Mugimaru

When udon meets Laksa at Kineya Mugimaru
It never occurred to me visit Kineya Mugimaru because I am particular about Udon. 
It has to be inaiwa type of udon which is similar to tagliatelle in shape as I find the usual ones tasteless and difficult to eat. 
I finally made a visit because they had laksa. 
To my surprise, the udon was not bad and it was much thinner than the usual ones with a firm texture like hard ramen. 
You can see the udon is thinner than the tips of the chopsticks.
It was a nice bowl of udon laksa because the broth had a strong prawn base with heat, however I found it really spicy and it becomes spicier if you mix the red paste.
There was only two prawns but they were springy and crisp with the guts removed.
Returned for the Yaki Udon which was also nice but a little too sweet as expected.
The quality of the beef slices wasn't bad but clumped together.

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