
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

France: Gazpacho at Pret A Manger

When going abroad, as well as searching for local restaurants to try I always like to check out international chains like McDonald's, KFC etc.
McDonald's review coming but here is Pret first.
Pret is France is definitely worth checking out, I thought we had it all in UK but they have much more offerings like the gazpacho, not one but two to choose from.
Then there are houmous bowls, salmon bowls with black rice to protein bowls.
I loved the way how they have used glass bowls and cups to display the food and beverages which can then be reused.
The staff at the counter was from UK which made it even more welcoming but everything is labelled in English so it's not a problem and growing up in the UK, French is compulsory at school.
Left with the gazpacho which was seriously refreshing and moreish on a hot summers day.

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