
Friday, March 30, 2012

Fried chicken @ Shakeys pizza

I was abit shocked the waitresses here don't speak English, as this place is supposed to be an American do, there were two other Caucasians there when I dined, I wonder if they communicated OK.

Firstly I walked to the counter and asked for " A table for one" and the waitress had to ask the manager to serve me, as she didnt know English!!

Anyway ordered their signature fried chicken and Shakey's famous mojo's which is basically fried potato slices covered in flavoured coating.

They probably could'nt understand what I was ordering, but guessed what I wanted from where I was pointing at on the menu.

The food arrived quicker than I expected, the potato came first.

The potato slices were not greasy at all, it had a crunchy coating, however the coating was not even and it was bland.
The potato was not cooked properly, it was still hard inside. The herbs on the coating were nice though, it reminded me of KFC.
I was rather disappointed because I was expecting a fluffy layer of potato encased in hard crunchy coating, but the potato was hard with a slight viscous texture.

The chicken had a similar coating to the potato, but the chicken was as dry as a tree bark, also oil free, the coating was slightly stronger than the potato slices.

It tasted 85% similar to the fried chicken at the Green Waffle, as both were slightly bland, but the chicken at Green Waffle screamingly tastes much better and juicier too!!
Both GW and Shakeys have the same type of crispy coating, however the one at GW falls off, and the one here dosnt!

Both items did not leave me quenching for water after finishing them.

Requested for the bill, so I said " The bill please", then the girl asked if I wanted a bag,
so I guessed they probably only use Amercan English, so I said "The check please"
and she still didnt get it, so what the hell am I supposed to say.
In the end I opted for sign language!!@!
chicken product shot
chicken product shot
Shakey's Famous Mojo's
Shakey's Famous Mojo's
Famous mojo's product shot
Famous mojo's product shot
Fried chicken
Fried chicken

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