
Sunday, April 01, 2012

Mini pizza trio @ Pizza Express

I was intending to go to Double tree for the baked apple in filo pastry with ice-cream, luckily I asked before going in because its so annoying when they have it displayed on their window and they do not serve it.

Since they didnt have it I popped across the road to Pizza express for tea, there was a choice of either pizzas or desserts, the desserts were just chocolate cakes or cheesecakes, so I opted for the pizza.
It was a selection of 3 mini pizzas including a drink.

The three pizza’s were cheese and margarita, cheese and pepperoni and duck with hoisin sauce.

I ate the cheese margarita first, then the pepperoni and lastly the duck one because duck with hoisin sauce is totally different taste to tomato being on the sweet side.

All of them had the consistent thin pizza base, the cheese and margarita was good, starting out with the usual pizza taste, then moving on with a slightly stronger taste with pepperoni, then a change of tone with the sweet hoisin sauce.

Finally finished it off with a pot of tea, and it tasted much silkier than the Lipton brand.

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