
Sunday, April 01, 2012

Yamagata corn Ramen @ Ajisen

I tried the new sweetcorn noodles, basically it is noodles in sweet corn based soup, with two pieces of stuffed sweetcorn!!!!!

新登場 - 山形大粟拉麵 Yummy Yamagata corn Ramen

The stuffed sweet corn is basically like the Chinese stuffed vegetables such as halved bell peppers stuffed with fish patty, however this one is sweetcorn stuffed with squid patty.

how is it done!! can anyone tell me!!~!
see wat i mean:

The reason why it was very intriguing, is because if you slice the sweetcorn from the edge of the stalk the sweetcorn seeds have nothing to support it and become separated seeds. Yet all the sweetcorn seeds were intact and arranged like a sweetcorn with the squid patty on the other side. I really doubt each of the seeds were stuck on the patty. And the whole piece was fried in tempura coating.

Anyway back to the sweet corn noodles, I really loved it, the sweetcorn soup was very interesting, it tasted like WHITE RABBIT SWEETS, especially on the first sip and when you swallow it.

I also tried the prawn dumplings, they were as good as the normal ones, except the primary ingredients were beef and prawn! A contrasted combination from strong beef to light flavour of the prawn!

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