
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Camping out for delicious curries

Camper's (Quarry Bay)

I have heard quite a lot about this place before but I did not know it was Japanese until I went there.

Luckily there were lots of reviews on Openrice so you could just show them the pictures to order because the menu does your head in with all that handwritten Chinese and Japanese.

There was an English menu but I forgot to take a photo of it and their website has not updated for a long time so you cannot see all the latest dishes.

Camper's was an interesting name for the restaurant which reminded me of camping and explains the small camping bags on the wall.

There is a similar restaurant called Bigpack Cafe that serves German food which also has large Rucksacks on the wall.
It is strange that Bigpack Cafe was not called Backpack Cafe or Bagpack Cafe.

Basically this restaurant is famous for curry and "Daily intake of vegetables".

The "Daily intake of vegetables" is the amount of vegetables that a person should eat a day which is served as a salad or as a curry.

The vegetables are already prepared on the metal plates so when people order them, they just take it from the metal plates.

There were so many curries I wanted to try, Curry with daily required portion of vegetables, butter chicken curry but the butter chicken was Japanese style so I did not choose it.

While I was just about to order the vegetable curry, I saw the photo of oyster curry so I ordered that instead.
Wheat tea:

The wheat tea was refreshing and a good start to the meal.
Hiroshima oyster curry:

This was my first time eating curry with oysters, the oysters they use are Hiroshima oysters which are known for their creamy strong taste.
Oysters are usually baked or eaten on its own which was why I felt that this curry was interesting.
When it came, the curry was really hot with lots of steam coming from it.
Initially I tried the mushrooms and curry first because the oyster had the strongest taste and the mushrooms were sweet and meaty because it was the abalone type.
The oysters tasted strong as expected but they were a bit mushy.
The rice had pieces of sweet potato, pumpkin and sweetcorn in it which made it colourful as well as being tasty, and it was really good the curry sauce temperature was really hot and kept hot till the end.
For dessert I was really looking forward to the sweet potato pudding but it was sold out.

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