
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Exclusive Nepalese Chatamari in HK

Pizza Max (Jordan)

Ever since my first visit, I have been addicted to the food here, not only do they serve Nepalese food, they also serve curries and pizzas.
They also have my favourite tortellini and gnocchi.

Greek salad:

I really liked this greek salad because it had crispy and sweet baby gem lettuce leaves and the sauce that they used was really appetizing.
Butter chicken curry:

I tried this twice and on my first visit it was perfect, on my second visit, there was a strong coconut taste.
On the perfect visit, the chicken and curry sauce was delicious, especially the tender chicken pieces.
Salad in pita bread with fries:

This was amazing, it reminded me of the food I had at PFC in London.
The pita bread was filled with fresh crisp leaves that were drained after it was washed and there was delicious mayonnaise in the pita bread to complement it.

The fries were perfect too, they were fried just right.
The side of salsa was really spicy but tastes delicious.
Chatamari - allow one day for preparation:

THIS WAS OBLIVION! but you need to order it one day in advance which is super annoying because you have to plan ahead.
It is a Nepalese pizza from Kathmandu and the base is made of rice and lentils.
The base was crispy and delicious and you can taste the toasted rice at the base topped with delicious grounded paste.
The taste of this pizza was exactly like Christmas stuffing and the egg on top was great especially the yolk because it was not starchy nor was it runny, the texture was a bit like buffalo cheese.
There was a side of sauce which is really spicy but after adding it, the taste was complete.

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