
Tuesday, July 06, 2021

When cutie pie fell for a cutie pie at Greenaway's

While I was at Charing Cross Villiers Street, I was overwhelmed by all these eateries to choose from.
As a cutie pie, I fell for the cutie pies at Greenaways where they serve pies with mash, mushy peas and gravy.
Pie Mash comes from the East and there are not many places serving it anymore so as a reviewer I had to try it.

There were five different pies that day and I liked the modern ones like Duck and orange which reminded me of modern pies at Pie Republic.

Chicken, Mushroom & Tarragon Pie.
Beef Short Rib and Pearl Onion Pie. 
Braised Lamb Shank, Peas and Mint Pie.
Vegan Mince, Red Wine & Rosemary Pie 
Confit Duck, Lentil & Orange Pie

Clearly it was a headache deciding between the duck and the lamb!
The beef, I could pretty imagine as beef and onions but replaced with quality short rib and sweet pearl onions.
As I planned to have it with gravy, I wasn't sure how the duck and orange would go with the gravy so I chose the lamb as it had peas and mint.
While I was paying for the pie, I discovered a breakfast pie as well which is totally my thing like breakfast pizzas, breakfast burritos and all that! Basically containing comforting items like eggs, beans sausage, bacon etc.

The reason it took me a  good 20 minutes to eat at Greenaway's or not was where to eat it but luckily there is a park round the corner which was where I went.
When I took the pie out I found a 20% off voucher which I would have been better off not given as I would of been happier if I was given 20% off there and then.
I would say the look and everything was nice as it came in a burger box with a paper sleeve holding it together.
However, I struggled to eat it from a box because it is just not the same as on a plate.
The chunks of lamb were moist and meaty on a bed of minty peas but for some reason all the flavours had sunk to the bottom of the pie.
Anyway, apart from that I really enjoyed it and I appreciate that there is another pie mash joint in the city.
Would I return?
If I was working in the area then probably once in a while when they have new pies but as I don't and there are just too many restaurants to try as well as the whole of London, it could be Christmas when they launch something festive like roast turkey pie with all the trimmings, stuffing and cranberry sauce!

Rating: 4/5
Greenaways Pie
45 Villiers St, London WC2N 6NE
(scroll to the bottom for pictures)

Other pie mash shops I have reviewed for further reading:
Moore's pie mash
Manze Sutton
Pie Republic
Piebury Corner
Mother Mash
East 22
Young Vegans Pies

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