Shop 112, Tai Yau Plaza,
181 Johnston Road
Found out about this new pastry shop so gave it a visit.
Earl Grey financier:
Although the pieces of tealeaves were not wheat or barley, it also gives you some roughage for the digestive system.
It was labelled well and states that it contains gluten.
As the name suggests, it is related to the Finance world because the cakes are made from the traditional rectangular mold, which resembles a bar of gold. Another theory suggests that the cake was popular in the financial district of Paris surrounding the Paris stock exchange.
This was their homemade candied orange peel dipped with dark chocolate.
They were shaped like sticks coated in chocolate and the centre was a bit like jellied orange which had a nice twist.
Apart from macarons, they also have cookies, jams and neat cakes at the counter which I forgot to take pictures of.