Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Vegan Strawberry soft ice and Veggie hot dog from Ikea Bistro Greenwich and Christmas festive stuff

I have always wanted to try the vegan soft ice but the branch in Croydon has suspended it due to the current situation as it is self service.
Finally got to try it at Greenwich because they had it and also tried the veggie hot dog as well.
I liked the way you get pickled cabbage and crispy onions which make it delicious.
The hot dog itself is made with kale, lentils, quinoa, onions and wheat protein.
As for the strawberry soft ice, the colour was nothing like the picture and it tasted like forest fruits more than strawberry.
Even though it wasn't strawberry, it was still nice.

Christmas festive stuff spotted:

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sausage roll in a Crypt!

Recently, I have been on a church crawl so decided to visit Cafe in the Crypt as well which I have walked passed on so many occasions unknowingly that there is a cafe underground.
Finally went on a late afternoon so many items were sold out.
I would have wanted the mushroom roll but they only had the sausage roll.
When you get down there, it is basically a crypt with pillars and it feels so strangely safe down their.
Overall, it was nice down there but I think I would have enjoyed the mushroom roll more as the sausage roll was a bit sophisticated with caraway seeds.


Apple Pie from La Boulangeries, New Cross Gate

Went here randomly and saw this strange looking apple pie which looked like toast so bought a piece to try.
It wasn't really memorable but evidently commercially made with two layers of pastry filled with apples in the middle.
I made the wrong choice and should have tried the Sfogliatella instead which looks like a Malaysian Karipap pusing.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

A lunch church crawl at Host Coffee and The Wren Coffee

In this day and age, when was the last time you ever went to church.
I don't quite remember but it must have been a wedding or funeral.
This definitely wouldn't have been on centuries ago but it seems the norm now.
There are so many non functional churches that many have been reconverted into homes or eateries.
As a foodie, I went to church again because I was lured by food and drink.
There were three I visited, the first was in Mayfair which was probably the noisiest church with food and wine as it was a food hall as well.
The other two Host Cafe and The Wren Coffee are similar serving coffee/tea and simple lunches and they are closely located to each other as well.
To be honest, I enjoyed dining at Host Coffee because the food and drink was delicious as well as affordable.
The Ham & Cheese baguette was to my liking filled with Ham and cheese with gherkins, mustard & mayonnaise and rocket salad.
The gherkins were sharp yet blended everything in the baguette nicely which was finished with a nice cup of tea.
The Wren Coffee was similar but costs slightly more.

Photos of Host Coffee:

Photos of The Wren Coffee:

Friday, October 01, 2021

[Review 7816] Decent beef curry @ 港城茶餐廳 Kong Shing Restaurant


港城茶餐廳  Kong Shing Restaurant
G/F., 7A Jordon Road,, Jordan

Gang Cheng Fen Mian Dim Sum Restaurant or 港城粉麵 is a great place for curry.
It was really good the curry beef came in a separate bowl so the rice does not get soggy from the sauce.
The amount of beef in the bowl was quite generous.

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