Saturday, May 18, 2024

Not my cup of tea at Sambol Shiok

Sambol Shiok is another Malaysian restaurant, hence tried it just to tick the box.
When I was browsing the menu, I was in despair and wanted to leave because there were not many non spicy options.
The only thing you could choose was the fried chicken and a side of rice which is a bit sad as they didn't even have lasi nemak or something like that.
Prices of drinks were as if they were coming from cocktail mixologists.
Tried the chicken curry laksa and penang assam laksa.
First off both laksas were super spicy but lacked depth, it was just heat and that was it.
The noodles in the curry laksa were too soft and the chicken was dry and not fresh as it had some funny taste to it as if it was left overnight.
The penan assam laksa came with a spoon of shrimp paste which was weirdly sweet.
Last but not least the pandan Americano didn't have the faintest taste of pandan.

Poppies Fish and Chips, Nottinghill

You will see Poppies Fish and Chips in popular spots like Camden and Nottinghill.
Finally tried it one day as I was a bit hungry as the fish bites looked nice.
I was expecting them to be nice as they are located in Central London but the texture of the fish was too mushy and disintegrates.
The chips were too dry and hard that no salt and vinegar could rescue it so I am not I did not fork out on fish and chips because if the chips aren't nice then the meal isn't complete.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Ramen Burger at Pimp My Ramen

This is probably the third "noodle" burger I have had.
The one here is made with instant noodles.
If you try the noodle patty on its own, its flavoured so it was smart that they put seasoning in the water when cooking the noodles.
The patty was spinach and pumpkin which was nice but I would have simply liked a fried egg with runny yolk and cheese as another option.
If I have time, I plan to improvise because they seem simple to make.
The key trick is using a round thing to shape the burger and then chilling it for a while before pan frying it.
I call it a noodle burger because it was not the same noodle each time.
Some use spaghetti, while this Japanese place used ramen and this place uses instant noodles.

Over ten different Lasagnes at lasagneria italiana

Yesterday I was sent this restaurant called Lasagneria Italia by two people within minutes of each so it was a sign to go.
Obviously from the name they specialize in lasagne but with a difference as they have over 10 lasagnes to choose from.
The special that day was cauliflower and ham so I definitely went on the right day because I was going to choose the ham and cheese but even better with cauliflower which is a bit like cauliflower cheese with bechamel sauce.
As you can imagine it would be a tough decision with all these choices so on the menu there is a trio option where you can choose three.
In the end, I went for cauliflower ham, arrabbiata and the salmon.
The portion is quite generous and filling.
The cauliflower was good as expected being light and comforting, while the salmon which was the Gourmet Lasagne turned out too fishy.
Last but not least the arrabbiata was a bit too spicy but thankfully the cauliflower lasagne was the biggest piece out of the three.
Service was a bit annoying when i tried to pay but Thankfully the bartender was really helpful and sped things up.

Shatkora kebab at perfect grill, Bethnal Green

The most disappointing shatkora kebab I have ever had!
It was missing the citrus tangy flavours of Shatkora fruit!

Aussie haven in South London at Dee Light Bakery

Discovered this cafe while looking for a cafe in Tooting.
I feel that some Aussie food is similar to English yet they are quite different. 
However, I was impressed that they had haggis sausage rolls and iced buns [sold out on my visit]. 
The haggis, neeps and tatties sausage roll was really tasty.
As soon as you enter the cafe, you are greeted with Anzac tins at the cake cabinet with gingerbread men.
At the back, there is an Aussie corner where you can buy TimTams, Shapes, chicken salt etc and drinks.

Korean Lunch at Bentore

Only went to this Korean place called Bentore because of the views.
To be honestly, I rarely have Korean food because its just kimchi, fried chicken etc. 
I know there is much more I haven't mentioned but its just not my cup of tea. 
I got the Seaweed soup with beef [Soegogi miyeokguk] because its rather neutral with rice. 
I was expecting the rice to be served separately but it was placed in the soup so I was doomed. 
The seaweed soup was nice but I just hate soggy rice which is like rice in the washing bowl.
It reminds me of pointless duck leg soup with rice that has a layer of hot oil which is a tasteless dish. 
Ozachake and Thunder tea is a little nicer but I'd rather have the tea separately.
Free ice cream for every food order but they guy didn't seem to tell us about it or I am guessing you have to request yourself if you are observant to notice the ice cream picture.

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