Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Molten cheese tart Bakery at Café by Maxim’s

Tried the cheese tart at this new place where you can either sit down or take it away.
It is best eaten straight away because the runny filling will just spill all over the place when you carry it.

One of the tarts survived and remained photogenic !!
This cheese tart recipe is a localized Hong Kong recipe because it tastes milky and not cheesy!
Hong Kong people have this perception that cheese tastes Milky!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Tasted good until I found…. 滋味屋

Got the rice with a choice of two dishes, spicy tofu and the tomato and egg.

The spicy tofu was indeed spicy and you could taste the chili but it was bland and lacked flavour.
The tomato and egg was really good, there was a natural tomato taste which was appetizing and tart but inevitably, there is colouring in the food because the egg was a solid orange colour.
I was almost finishing the food until I found ....


Retro snacks as well as the famous pizza at 大澳小食

It was an honour and a pleasure to join the Tai O food tour held by Tai O Heritage hotel because we got to try different joints in the lanes of Tai O.

There were three groups so each group tried different routes.
Tai O is a lovely town on water which is themed as a Chinese Venetian with stilt houses on water.
They are also famous for fermented prawn paste.
大澳小食 was one of the shops on our list and I was really chuffed because I have tried it before twice for the Chinese pizza and fried shellfish.

Tai O's yummy chinese crepes n da BEST CHIPS in HK (april 2011)
Your healthy dose of Chitosan and gourmet food (Dec2012)

This time we had the Chinese pizza again which was still delicious as the first two times I had it.
Basically they are similar the the crepes at Mr Bing.

We also had these retro snacks called YAU CHEE that are hard to find in HK these days because no one does them.

I have tried them before but it was at the Tsing Yi opera food stall.

The retro snack here is really good because there is not much batter and the rest is juicy grated Chinese radish and shrimps.

It tasted really nice and reminds me of an Indian Pakora!!
We also tried the fried fish which was 100% edible including the head, bones and tails~

Tottori inspired dishes at Bishoku Club Yoshida

It was an honor attending a luncheon at Bishoku Club Yoshida because the governor of Tottori was there.

I had the set menu which has dishes made with ingredients from Tottori.
[Since my visit, there have been changes to the menu]

Tottori is famous for pears, Pink Curry and Manga.
Before the food came, the governor Shinji Hirai showcased products and mascots from Tottori.
He showed us three pears: 二十世紀梨 20th Century Pear , 夏姬梨 Natsuhime and 新甘泉 Shinkansen with a cute mascot.

Manga is a big thing in Tottori because many cartoonists grew up there so there are lots of museums and bronze manga statues.

The Pink Soy sauce and Pink curry were interesting. The pink curry was on the internet a while ago so I was really lucky it was on the menu.
As well as the curry, they also had the 20th Century Pear on the menu.

Pear and vegetables salad:

The vegetables came with sauce but they didn't need it because they were just crisp and sweet.
It was my first time trying raw aubergine and it is surprisingly sweet, not to mention the star of the show which are the crisp and sweet pear chunks.

Marinated sliced squid with diced bean-curd:

The marinated squids were salty and springy, great with beer.
3 Kinds of Yam (Jelly style, Yam steak and marinated by Lemon vinegar):

My favourite was the Yam in jelly because is was crisp and had a viscous texture.
Dried firefly squid charcoal grill:

The squids were really nice because they become aromatic and tasty after they were grilled.
dried rosy seabass with pink soy sauce and cooked vegetables:

The delicate and silky rosy seabass was paired with this stunning pink soy sauce from Tottori.
華貴婦人のピンク醤油, or Hanakifujin no Pink Shoyu, means “Flower Lady’s Pink Soy Sauce”.
"zuwai" crab leg and crab miso charcoal grill:

The crab roe was rich and delicious with the rice.
2 kinds of curry (pink and traditional flavour) with rice:

I was so glad they had this because it was on the news last year, see link below.
Basically it is vegetarian and tastes like Japanese curry with a good degree of spiciness.
Pear compote:

Finished with this crisp and sweet fruit compote!
Nashi liquer:

For drinks we had Nashi liquer which is sweet and addictive because it is almost like drinking pure pear juice with an alcoholic kick to it.
Here are photos of the governor Shinji Hirai showcasing highlights from Tottori.

Tottori mascot:

For Tottori fans, EGL are doing tours to tottori and you can also learn to make French style pear tarts and pear jam using the 20th Century pear by attending classes at ABC cooking studio, but if you just want to indulge on a sweet and crisp pear which is great for sharing during moon festival you can get them at TASTE, GREAT and AEON supermarkets.
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