Monday, March 02, 2020

[Restaurant Review] GOEMON Ramen Bar, Brighton

A popular ramen bar in Brighton.
For me I love thin egg noodles so any choices with that were delicious.
As for the soup base, the miso soy broth was amazing.

[Review] Perfect Fried Chicken in Stratford

I love chicken from Perfect Fried Chicken.
The Stratford branch is small compared to other branches but the chicken is always good and the staff are polite and super friendly.

[Review] hans grill pizza stone

Somehow pizzas at home never taste the same as restaurants which led me to think to observe how they makes pizzas at restaurants.
As well as pizzas, delicious naans also have some magic to them in the sense that there is something that can distribute heat well so that the dough is uniformly crisp and soft in the middle.

This is where the pizza stone is needed, hans grill specializes in pizza stones where it helps distributes heat evenly.

Instructions are simple, you just put the stone in the oven, turn on the oven to heat the pizza stone, then slide your pizza on to it.
The time depends on how thick your pizza is and how you like your pizza.

Pizza stones comes in different shapes, they can be round or rectangular.

Personally I like the rectangular pizza stones because it allows you to make round or rectangular pizzas or put other items on the side whilst your baking the pizza.

As the instruction says, you pre heat the stone by putting it on the lower rack, turning on the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Then you turn down the heat once the stone has got hot and then slide your pizza on to the stone.

The pizza shovel was easy to use, I dusted the wooden shovel with flour to ensure that the pizza could slide about before adding ingredients and whilst I was adding ingredients I kept sliding the pizza so that it would slide off perfectly when it was time to slide it on to the pizza stone.

The pizza I made had diced purple onions, diced yellow peppers, feta, olives and anchovies.

Since it was my first time making the pizza dough, the pizza base was quite thick like a deep pan but the base was uniformly crisp.

With the experience for the first pizza, the second one was made thinner.

Overall, definitely easy to use and I loved my uniform pizza base but the only difficulty I had was transferring the pizza to the stone because if you're clumsy you end up getting some ingredients on the stone.

I am not sure if this method would work but I am thinking of covering the pizza stone with aluminum foil or baking paper to help protect the stone from getting ingredients all over it to prolong the pizza stone life.

Currently, hans grill pizza stones are available on amazon with free delivery if you live in the UK.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Plant based pit stop at King's Cross

Plant based foods are getting so popular that there is a Plant Based Pit Stop at Kings Cross St Pancreas.

It features four pop ups under one roof.
Pipoca, Vida bakery, Mother and Palm Greens.

They are all equally as good but I have a sweet tooth for the delicious eggless cupcakes at Vida Bakery and their rainbow cake.

I definitely recommend the red velvet cup cake.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Morrisons Cafe, Stratford

I didn't get a chance to try this cafe but I liked the offerings from rainbow cakes to affordable breakfasts.
They had vegan cottage pie which I plan to try soon.

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