Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Beast Feast Menu at Linguini Fini

Apart from pastas, I was surprised there was a Beast Feast at Linguini Fini, which costs $458 per person (minimum 6 persons or more).

I was expecting lots of meat but it was antipasti, a cute suckling pig with vegetables and dessert.

Started off with garlic bread which was crispy and chewy served with a tasty sauce, then there was a tangy green salad and my favourite homemade burrata which was creamy.

After that, we had the Whole Sausage Stuffed Suckling Pig served with vegetables and pickles.

The pickled cauliflower and beets went nicely with the pig because it balanced the fattiness while the chili mostarda (spicy mustard) made it appetizing.

It was fancy mustard mixed with spices that were really addictive.

There was Classic Linguini Fini Pomodori so you don’t miss out on the famous pastas.

We finished with Apple Pie with Lily & Ran Vanilla Ice Cream.
For drinks I had the Beetnik which was a blend of beetroot, orange, carrot and basil.

It was not too sweet with a slight bitterness from the orange peel.

Unwanted fish scraps made delicious

It is clever how they have cooked unwanted salmon fish skin with a thin layer of salmon attached that is thrown away when the salmon is used for sashimi to make an edible meal costing $36.
The fish was quite oily but the texture was soft like jelly and it was quite tasty that you didn’t need the spring onions, which are a bonus.

It is good to see that this grubby gem is still here two years after my last visit!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Minced cutlet curry at Coco Ichibanya

Tried the new Minced cutlet curry, which is basically a minced steak that is coated in cutlet crumbs, deep fried served with curry sauce.

The minced cutlet was quite nice, the meat was finely minced with a fragrant beef smell and had a pleasant meat taste but the let down was the frying oil because it made the cutlet taste a bit rancid which is unnoticeable when you eat it with the curry sauce.....

Limited Edition: Godiva Earl Grey chocolate chip icecream

A few months ago saw the Earl Grey chocolate chip icecream on Godiva’s menu but the price was covered because it wasn’t available yet and Godiva HK didn’t know when it would be launched because I contacted their HQ in April 2015.

Happened to see this flavour available when I walked past in July so I bought one.

The Earl Grey chocolate chip flavour was the best compared to the other tub flavours that I have tried in the Godiva range because it was not that sweet.

There was a natural Earl Grey flavour and the chocolate icecream was not that overwhelming with delicious pieces of heart shaped chocolate chips found in all Godiva’s tub icecreams......

Monday, June 29, 2015

Interesting Swiss roll flavours at The Baker A (Jordan)

I was still hungry after eating at Ilis so I wandered into this bakery.

The Earl Grey roll looked good so I got it and decided to eat there.
As well as Earl Grey, they had other interesting flavours such as tomato and pistachio.0 While I was eating, it was so nice of them to give me a cup of water which encouraged me to get the cream puffs as well. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
Earl grey roll: The roll was a bit dense but the earl grey chocolate paste in the middle was really nice so the dense roll was forgivable.
Cream puffs: The cream puffs were a bit hard and eggy for my liking but not bad.
Tomato roll: The tomato roll had a strong tomato taste with tomato jelly in the middle but it tasted weird because it was sweet.

Hidden sushi gem - Mizuki Japanese Restaurant

I have explored quite a bit of restaurants in Wan Chai but rarely restaurants in commerical buildings that are higher than the first floor.

Ironically, this place used to be S.A.E which was a place I wanted to try.

I was recommended this place by expats and when I got there, the restaurant was filled with Japanese expats and Western expats.

It was encouraging to see blue_balu review this because she only reviews places that are worth visiting.

The food was quite pricey but they had some interesting dishes that were on the seasonal menu.
Started with three appetizers:

Sharks bones which have been cut into small pieces and had a texture like hard cartilage. The sauce was appetizing and they had an interesting chew.

The Sea cucumber in vinegar which I was expecting to be soft had a texture like raw squid but the acidity of the vinegar was nice

Whelk slices in wasabi sauce were nicely spiked with a powerful mustard kick.

Here was what we had for the mains:
Kinki fish:
The fish was salted and dried but the fish was still delicate and moist with a lovely crispy skin.

Noodle salad:

The portion was huge and it was ramen tossed in sesame sauce topped with fish roe.
The noodles reminded me of Chinese chilled noodles called "jung wah lang min".
Sushi platter:
striped jack, kinmedai (金目鯛), fatty tuna, botan shrimp, sea urchin, salmon roe, tuna.

The sushi was fresh and neatly made.
Beef cubes with crispy garlic:

The beef was juicy and lean enhanced by the crispy garlic slices and the side of mash was delicious with bits of vegetables in it.
Red miso soup:

Compared to white miso, this had a stronger soy bean taste balanced by the sweet shimeji mushrooms.
Purple sweet potato dessert from Wasakuraya.

The dessert was velvety and smooth with a natural purple sweet potato taste that was sweet with a savoury aftertaste.

Kung Fu Mooncake

As well as sweet potato, black sesame mooncakes are becoming popular too.
Tried the Kung Fu mooncakes from Kung Fu dimsum which are cute mini mooncakes filled with dense and sweet black sesame paste and egg yolks!
Great for anyone with a sweet tooth!

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