There is the golden peach series and a traditional series.
The golden series has custard and egg yolk filling while the other has traditional lotus paste filling. Golden series:

Traditional series:

Personally, I like the golden peach series because of the filling and The Queen Mother set has a crown for fun and looks great on pictures (see product shot)!
Traditional series:
Personally, I like the golden peach series because of the filling and The Queen Mother set has a crown for fun and looks great on pictures (see product shot)!
Golden longevity peaches ($30 for pair of $16 each) 金桃 (1對)

The first in the golden peach series is the custard golden peach which has custard and egg yolk in the middle. ********************
The first in the golden peach series is the custard golden peach which has custard and egg yolk in the middle. ********************
Surrounded by peaches 桃李滿門 ($42)

The second golden peach is surrounded by smaller peaches that are filled with lotus paste or red bean with a custard golden peach bun.
The second golden peach is surrounded by smaller peaches that are filled with lotus paste or red bean with a custard golden peach bun.
Queen Mother! $98 女皇媽媽

The last is my favourite because it is meaningful. It is a big bun that hides a bun filled with egg yolk and lotus paste and 6 mini buns filled with lotus paste or red bean paste.

There are four different greetings for the bun such as Beautiful mum, Fat Mum etc and there is a crown for fun.

The last is my favourite because it is meaningful. It is a big bun that hides a bun filled with egg yolk and lotus paste and 6 mini buns filled with lotus paste or red bean paste.
There are four different greetings for the bun such as Beautiful mum, Fat Mum etc and there is a crown for fun.
To conclude, the Queen Mother set and the 桃李滿門 are fun to share.
Personally I liked the custard filling because it was fragrant and not too sweet encased in a delicious fluffy bun.
Address (Sorry I don't have the English):包點先生全港18間分店﹕
九龍 葵芳盛芳街23-29號勝華大廈地下A1舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 24109368
九龍 慈雲山中心2 樓201號舖 6:30am-8:00pm Tel: 23293330
九龍 黃大仙啟德花園地下18號舖 7:00am-9:00pm Tel: 27558585
九龍 黃大仙中心地庫B13號舖 7:00am-8:30pm Tel: 23293203
九龍 牛池灣彩雲商場LG/F A103號舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 25518990
九龍 將軍澳彩明商場2樓226-228號舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 27509221
九龍 長沙灣順寧道283-297號順寧苑地下2號舖 7:00am-8:00pm Tel: 23868592
大嶼山 東涌逸東商場地下30&31號舖 6:30am-8:00pm Tel: 31417262
大嶼山 東涌富東商場地下6號舖 6:30am-8:00pm Tel: 21090889
港島 筲箕灣愛秩序街30號F地下A-C號 6:30am-8:30pm Tel: 21480466
港島 柴灣興華廣場地下1&2號舗 7:00am-9:00pm Tel: 27907928
港島 柴灣小西灣商場地下10號舖 6:30am-9:00pm Tel: 28983182
新界 荃灣沙咀道328號328廣場地下G6-G7舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 24399225
新界 荃灣川龍街111號地下 7:00am-8:00pm Tel: 24069798
新界 粉嶺華明商場街市地下18號舖 7:00am-8:00pm Tel: 24302408
新界 沙田博康村商場112A號舖 7:00am-8:30pm Tel: 24048133
新界 屯門市廣場1期AEON UG06號舖 8:30am-10:00pm Tel: 23432863
新界 天水圍天瑞商場2期地下G23號舖 7:00am-8:30pm Tel: 24463778
九龍 葵芳盛芳街23-29號勝華大廈地下A1舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 24109368
九龍 慈雲山中心2 樓201號舖 6:30am-8:00pm Tel: 23293330
九龍 黃大仙啟德花園地下18號舖 7:00am-9:00pm Tel: 27558585
九龍 黃大仙中心地庫B13號舖 7:00am-8:30pm Tel: 23293203
九龍 牛池灣彩雲商場LG/F A103號舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 25518990
九龍 將軍澳彩明商場2樓226-228號舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 27509221
九龍 長沙灣順寧道283-297號順寧苑地下2號舖 7:00am-8:00pm Tel: 23868592
大嶼山 東涌逸東商場地下30&31號舖 6:30am-8:00pm Tel: 31417262
大嶼山 東涌富東商場地下6號舖 6:30am-8:00pm Tel: 21090889
港島 筲箕灣愛秩序街30號F地下A-C號 6:30am-8:30pm Tel: 21480466
港島 柴灣興華廣場地下1&2號舗 7:00am-9:00pm Tel: 27907928
港島 柴灣小西灣商場地下10號舖 6:30am-9:00pm Tel: 28983182
新界 荃灣沙咀道328號328廣場地下G6-G7舖 7:00am-9:30pm Tel: 24399225
新界 荃灣川龍街111號地下 7:00am-8:00pm Tel: 24069798
新界 粉嶺華明商場街市地下18號舖 7:00am-8:00pm Tel: 24302408
新界 沙田博康村商場112A號舖 7:00am-8:30pm Tel: 24048133
新界 屯門市廣場1期AEON UG06號舖 8:30am-10:00pm Tel: 23432863
新界 天水圍天瑞商場2期地下G23號舖 7:00am-8:30pm Tel: 24463778
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