Friday, January 31, 2014

Yummy Quesadillas from Village Kebab


Went to Sai Kung for food and dined here because no one was dining here.
You could tell that people were afraid to try the food from their reactions but after I sat down the Hong Kongers were not afraid to try because the restaurant was not empty.

Another thing that I observed is that HKers seem to be afraid of empty restaurants so when they choose their seats, they will sit near another table of diners.
In the UK, people like to spread themselves out.
I find that particularly annoying when I want peace and quiet and people have to sit nearby and yak with loud voices.

Since my last visit there are more choices on the menu.

I want to try their pasta because it is probably cooked in an Indian way with spices but it was a public holiday that day, so they don't serve it.
In the end I had the Quesadilla.
There is a choice chicken or falafel but I wanted both so I had a mix of the two.
Quesadilla with falafel and chicken:

There was a sauce missing according to the photo, so I asked the guy and he came back with the green sauce.

I thought it was guacamole but it was Indian mint sauce.

The salsa sauce was amazing, it was diced tomatoes and onions in vinaigrette with super fragrant cumin.
The Quesadilla was just divine because the it was crispy filled with cheese, falafel and roasted chicken, and the cheese was gooey and soft.
Price: $62
Service: great
Service charge: no
Yummy factor: Divine
Napkins provided: yes
English Menu: Yes

Chocolate burgers and mini icecream cones

Chocolat-ier (Causeway Bay)
I have not been to Chocolat-ier for ages but recently I had this cute confectionary Cornetto and Chocolat-ier had it too so decided to try theirs.

I got these last year and forgot to review them until I read the recent reviews on Chocolat-ier which jogged my memory.

As well as mini confectionary icecream cones, they also had chocolate burgers and pizzas.

Chocolate burger:

Basically it was a biscuit sandwiched in between two halves of chocolate.
It was quite nice just like having a chocolate biscuit with a bigger proportion of chocolate.
Price: $5X
Service: OK

Iberian pork croquettes

Spaingo (Mong Kok)

This shop was opened last year but I couldn't find it listed on Openrice so I didn't bother listing it because quite a few I have tried to list have been rejected even though I have filled in the Name, telephone and address.
Last week it also happened, so I don't know why I bother!

Anyway, this shop is bright yellow and hard to miss.

They specialize in croquettes made with Iberian pigs 炸黑毛豬丸!!
There are eight sauces to choose from for the croquettes.

I ended up getting the potato wedges with the gravy.
It was delicious rich gravy and the wedges were nice and starchy.
Next time I will try the croquettes (炸黑毛豬丸).
Hard to appreciate food in Mong Kok because there are too many people and smokers about and it is difficult to try and take photos.
Price: $18
Service: OK
English Menu: NO

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pacific Coffee (Macau)

This was the last stop in Macau before going back to Hong Kong.

Most of the items at Pacific Coffee were the same as the ones in Hong Kong.

Stopped by for a drink and tried the Lamington.


The Lamington in Macau was about 60% cream and 40% cake whereas the Hong Kong version is 30% cream and 70% cake.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

XO Sauce tasting held by OpenRice

過年在即,年貨、掃除、揮春、利是、樣樣買齊做齊,OpenRice 亦準備了賀年特備節目,也是2014年第一個開飯搶鮮試,這次我們跟6位資深及殿堂級別的會員品味有粵醬之王美譽的XO醬,配上香煎蘿蔔糕伴吃,提早感受農曆新年氣氛!



除了整體評分以笑面、OK、喊面表達,6位食家會員亦從色、香、味三個範疇品評及和打分。 (1分最低,5分最高)。
評分級別:★★★ (65分以上)★★( 65分以下)★( 60分以下) 

一致好評 八珍
售價: $76/130克
評價:67/90 分 (★★★)

會員 supersupergirl品評 
nice with chunky bits of dried scallops

評分:52/90 分 (★)

品評 除色澤之外,香與味內歛,較遜色。 辛辣但不香,質感乾和硬 香味不夠濃,味道不出

油膩感高 紫粵軒

售價: $198/250克
評價:51/90 分 (★)

食味豐富 龍逸軒

售價: $180/180克
評價:64/90 分 (★★)


質感突兀 囍宴

售價: $178/150克
評價:62/90 分 (★★)

會員 supersupergirl 品評
too spicy and the dried shrimps were hard

討好甜味 欣圖軒

售價: $280/168克
評價:64/90 分 (★★)


穩打紮實 嘉麟樓

售價: $360/ 220克
評價:68/90 分 (★★★)


辣味突出 天外天

售價: $128/ 100克
評價:60/90 分 (★)

會員 supersupergirl 品評
too spicy and sweet

最有驚喜 台灣福華牌

售價: $108/ 280克
評價:72/90 分 (最高分) (★★★)


香氣大勝 君綽軒

售價:$688/ 160克
評價:69/90 分 (★★★)

會員 supersupergirl 品評
weird! Tasted plainly of truffle and scallop
香辣有勁 蘇太名醬

售價: $106/190克
評價:60/90 分 (★★)

會員 supersupergirl 品評
spicy but it  had a nice texture

擁有超過20年入廚經驗的iCook Workshop的資深烹飪導師Max Wu,除了當晚為大家即席煎糕,也同時講解XO醬的由來及製作。坊間對XO醬的由來有數個不同說法,Max Wu說就他所知,XO醬有一說是李翰祥導演太太的創作,後來由半島酒店嘉麟樓率先推出市場,更為了包裝成商品才起了XO醬這較有氣派名字。而XO醬主要成分是元貝、蝦子、蝦米、金華火腿、乾蔥、蒜頭、雞粉、及很多人未留意卻很重要的碎冰糖。Max 又說XO醬味道濃重,其實較適合配以較清淡食材如麵條、四季豆、其他蔬菜等,而且這款「醬」沒有經過發酵,嚴格來說不算醬料,更像一道獨立前菜或小吃!


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